Virgo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Online Ceremony
Free for all Harmony with Nature Members
Free for all Harmony with Nature Members
Free for all Harmony with Nature Members
Virgo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Online Ceremony
Friday 14th March
7PM - 9PM (GMT)
This powerful Virgo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse offers a transformational opportunity to ground yourself, release outdated patterns, and align with your heart.
As the earthy, focused and meticulous energy of the Virgo Full Moon, meets the transformative power of the eclipse, we are invited to find the sweet spot between practicality and intuition. The eclipse magnifies this process, creating space for powerful shifts and new beginnings.
Under this Full Moon, we will journey together to reflect on our daily habits, relationships, and routines and ask ourselves these questions:
What is ready to be released?
What needs to be nurtured to support my growth?
What is being illuminated under this eclipse that I am not seeing?
What practical action do I need to take to move forward?
This is also a potent time to ensure you are moving forward with clarity and purpose.
This Virgo Full Moon also encourages us to fine-tune our intentions, ensure we are making enough time for self-care, and trust in the unfolding journey, as we step into the second quarter of the year, especially if life has been challenging.
Join us on this shamanic ceremony to ground your dreams, release old limitations, and align with your inner wisdom, as we harness the transformative magic of this Full Moon eclipse to find clarity, healing, and inspiration.
My online ceremonies are the perfect opportunity to connect you to the natural rhythms of Nature and give you important time and space to integrate, reflect and evaluate what’s happening in your life. They will show you where you are, and help you find clarity and focus if you have lost your way, or confused as to your next step. , more focused, and have the strength to keep going.
Please ensure you have watched both videos so you are prepared, especially if this is your first time drinking Cacao in ceremony.
What you need:
A comfortable, peaceful and quiet space
A journal & pen for recording your experience
An intention for what you would like to manifest, release or journey with
Water to drink
An open, peaceful, and willing heart.
Please be prepared, peaceful and ready for the ceremony to gain the maximum benefit.
What time?
7.00pm - 9.00pm (GMT)
2.00pm-4.00pm (EST)
11.00am-1.00pm (PST)
Start Info
The waiting room opens at 6:45pm
Ceremony begins at 7.00-9.00pm
This is a ceremony and a sacred space - people arriving late can be very disruptive to the flow, and you may miss an important part of the ceremony. Please be mindful of this and come on time :)