8 Week Online Course
I’m so excited to be sharing with you my new Shamanic Online Chakra Healing Course. I have run this live course for a few years and have decided to take it online, so more people can experience its transformative process.
This course will take you on a shamanic journey from your root to your crown, focusing on the Seven Chakras.
Over the last thirty years I have been exploring how this mysterious universe works and learning how to work within its natural laws. This Shamanic Journey through the Chakras incorporates all my experience, wisdom and knowledge training with traditional indigenous Shamans, Eastern religions, and my own exploration of the Western healing modalities.
“I have my own unique, powerful transformative offering to assist you on your own path of change & transformation, & I am very excited to be sharing this knowledge with you, to help you create the world you have always dreamed of!”
This course is for people who are ready to explore:
Who you really are?
What is your purpose?
What are your unique gifts and talents
Why are you here?
Together we will dive deep into each Chakra and see where your blocks and limitations lie so that you can free yourselves from the conditionings and patterns of behaviour that are stopping you from being yourself, and really stepping into your power.
This is a unique opportunity to really dig deep, using the power of shamanic journeying, and release any blockages, ancestral patterns and beliefs that are stopping you from being who you really are.
In this course we will be working directly with the chakra system. There are 7 chakras, that are the energy centres of the body. They can often be out of balance due to our fears, conditioning and beliefs about who we think we are that are not in alignment with who we really are.
When we strengthen and balance these energy centres, we become empowered to live our dreams, and life automatically becomes purposeful, happier, and more harmonious.
This will be an eight week shamanic training course working on each Chakra.
This eight-week course is designed to help you every step of the way to know, understand and empower yourself to be who you really are.
Each week we focus on a specific Chakra, becoming fully aware of each shamanic part of ourselves, as we explore each Chakra and connect to ourselves on a deeper, more personal level.
The more you invest energetically into the course the more you will get out of it.
If you follow the course, and do the homework and exercises given, you will start seeing changes as you move through the course that will immediately enable you to start manifesting your dream life.
Week 1: Welcome & Opening Ceremony
There will be a brief introduction to the course and then I will take you on a journey with Cacao to tune into where you are, set your intention, and create the container for the journey, so that you receive the maximum benefits.
Week 2: Root Chakra: Self-Awareness
During this session we are working with the Root Chakra at the base of the spine and the energy of Self-Awareness. The basic needs of this Chakra are security and confidence, and the related emotion is fear and courage. During the session we will explore what is our root fear, and get reconnected to our root courage. When we can embrace both at the same time we create a different e(nergy)-motion to fuel us forward.
Week 3: Sacral Chakra: Self-Respect
During this session we are working with our Sacral Chakra and the energy of Self-Respect, so we can see where our blocks are, let go of the inner critic and dissolve the fear of being in our sexual energy. We will also ignite our passion and alchemise any sexual frustrations and tension into positive creativity and action.
Week 4: Solar Plexus Chakra: Self-Worth
During this session we are working with our Solar Plexus Chakra and the energy of Self-Worth. This Chakra represents and strengthens our 'Gut Instinct', so we can follow our intuition, regardless of the influences around us. When we are in alignment with this Chakra, we know our self-worth, can value ourselves more abundantly, and we are in tune with our intuition so we can love ourselves more.
Week 5: Heart Chakra: Self-Love
During this session we are working with our Heart Chakra and the energy of Self-Love. We will become more aware of the difference between the needs of the ego, and the needs of the heart. By realigning and strengthening our Heart Chakra we can see more clearly where our blocks are in giving and receiving love unconditionally. Unconditional love is easy to understand but difficult to practice, as the will and desires of the personality prevent the level of surrendering and acceptance required to love unconditionally. When we know the difference we are able to live more from our heart-based centre.
Week 6: Throat Chakra: Self-Expression
During this session we will be working on the Throat Chakra that uses the energy of Self- Expression, not just verbal but creatively as well. We are always using our voices to express ourselves, but often we use words unconsciously, and unconsciously creating our reality. We will be working on clearing and dissolving any old negative mantras that no longer serve us, and realign this chakra so we can express ourselves more authentically and fully.
Week 7: Third Eye Chakra: Self-Responsibility
During this session we will be working on the Third Eye Chakra and the energy of Self- Responsibility. When we take self-responsibility we find self-forgiveness and compassion which liberates us from the inner critic and empowers us to love ourselves. This is real empowerment because we know who we are, so we are coming from a place of authenticity, from the heart.
Week 8: Crown Chakra: Consciousness
This final session we will use the medicine of Cacao to journey through each Chakra, aligning them together and completing the process.
Full Course Price: £495
If you wish to pay in instalments, please contact Zoe on:
Opening and Closing Cacao Ceremony (Weeks 1 & 8)
Weekly shamanic journey through each chakra
Weekly homework to actively strengthen each chakra
A private Facebook group to share your journey
Weekly recording of the Shamanic Journey
Course Workbook
It is only when we start being the change, that we can actually experience change in our lives.
Wishing you all an exciting, enlightening and empowering journey…
With Love & Gratitude,
If you have any questions and wish to get in touch, please contact us via the form below, or alternatively you can email us on