Smoke And Mirrors

It feels fitting that the global lockdown is finally lifting, as we reach the Gemini new moon. This is one of the most sociable and communicative moons of the year, and a time when we are inspired and at our full creative thrust.


The lunar energy is pushing us forward to get our projects and creative endeavours moving again, especially if things have been on hold because of the lockdown. This is a great time to ignite your creativity, and follow your intuition on what you can do next.

However, with four planets now in retrograde, things are not always as they seem, so be aware of the smoke and mirrors. We can become more delusional during this moon, and distort the truth to feel more in control and powerful.



Don't believe everything you hear, or listen to gossip, as you may find yourself going down a dark rabbit hole. Try not to get sucked into someone else's anger, especially on social media, and avoid spreading malicious rumours, as you could find them backfiring on you.

We can no longer just go along with what we are being told by the media, our politicians, or the 'experts'. Under this Gemini new moon we get a glimpse of what is happening behind the smoke and mirrors. It will insist we see both sides of the coin, and take a wider perspective of the situation.



Don't be shy to communicate your ideas and visions with people who inspire and support you. The more open and vulnerable we are, and share what is really in our hearts, the more we automatically broaden our horizons.

We cannot see the whole picture, but our hearts are following our deepest intentions, and guiding us to where we really desire to go. To tune into your inner wisdom, and hear your intuition, find time in silence over this new moon. Follow the signs, inspirations and synchronisities, so you make the most of the Gemini lunar energy. 

The two key words over this moon cycle is, 'Focus and Determination.' The Gemini new moon energy can often be airy and scattered, so stay focused on your dreams. Even though you may find yourself going off on tangents, as you share and pollinate your ideas, don't lose the main direction of where your passion is taking you.

This Gemini new moon reignites our creativity and passion, makes us curious again, and helps us to see beyond the smoke and mirrors. It also reminds us that everything is interconnected, and to follow our intuition.

When we are determined and focused on what we want to manifest, and share our dreams and visions over this Gemini new moon, we are often just one step away from connecting with the right people to help us spring forward.




Shamanism & Mental Health