New Beginnings

The coming Aquarius New Moon on Friday also heralds the Chinese New Year, symbolised by twelve animals. This year the Chinese Zodiac starts a new cycle, with the year of the Metal Rat.

The more we become aware of what is happening on the energetic level, the easier it is to see the cycles of nature that influence us. Twelve years ago, we had the 2008 financial crash that reverberated around the world. For many this cycle, was a difficult and stressful time, igniting a twelve year period of austerity, poverty and inequality.


Fortunately, this new cycle, symbolised by the Metal rat balances the last cycle to bring financial prosperity and luck. The stronger your foundations and preparations, the more success you will experience. This is also a great year to start new projects, or see projects come to fruition and success – especially if you have been struggling in the past.

After the last year of turbulence and letting go, this is the year to find your tribe, and the people that reflect your values and principles. Follow your intuition and discernment so that your time is spent with people that support and honour you.
This new zodiac cycle and new moon, gives us the courage and confidence to believe everything is possible and know that we are the creators of our destiny.
The Aquarius new moon kick starts this energy, represented by the water bearer, who pours water over the hard winter soil to nourish and prepare it for the coming spring. See this as a new beginning, a new story, where you can let go of the past decade and start this new one with a clean slate.
It reminds us to nourish the dreams we planted over the winter months by starting to take the action required to manifest them. When we remain focused, determined and committed, and not let disappointments or failures of the last year hold us back, we will find this year will bring us closer to our goals.
The Aquarius new moon was also known as a purification moon, and the Roman’s used the month of February to purify their houses and outhouses. It also reminds us to wash out any toxicity from our lives, so we can fertilize the ground for our dreams and visions.
The Aquarius new moon helps us to think outside the box, see things from different perspectives and revitalise our spirits, especially if things have been tough and testing.
By helping us to see the situation we are in with less fear and attachment, we can see the possible solutions more clearly. It also enables us to be more fluid in our thinking and able to suddenly make changes that previously seemed impossible to do.
Allow yourself to dream over this moon and don’t dismiss anything until you have taken careful consideration of the situation, especially if it seems impossible. Under this moon, we are able to see the potential and believe anything is possible.
If you are unsure of the next steps use this time for meditation and inner reflection so you can tap into the Aquarian creativity.  All the answers and solutions are buried within you, and we must be still to hear what needs to be done next. 

During this new moon, it is important to take a pause from the daily grind, to ensure you are on the right track, and heading in the right direction. I have been called back to the Amazon Jungle for this reason.
There is so much noise and distraction in the urban jungle it is often difficult to discern our own inner knowing.  We all need time to disconnect, go into the silence, and recharge our batteries to ensure that our visions and dreams are in alignment with our heart and purpose.
This Moon, ruled by Uranus and Saturn, and fuelled by the Metal Rat, will also deepen and intensify the cracks in our present political, financial, and economic systems, as we face ever more pressing problems on Planet Earth. 
Despite the cunning, intelligence and ruthlessness of the rat, they are social animals that live in groups and work together, reminding us that if we want to see real change, we are stronger together.
It is warning us that we must start uniting as a community of humans in order to protect our planet's natural resources for future generations, and prepare ourselves for the climatic changes that are already creating chaos and destruction.
We can no longer wait for governments to stop dithering, afraid of taking bold and crucial decisions, or wait for chairmen and CEO’s of big businesses to finally take responsibility for their actions. 
Business is made up of individuals like you and I, and that’s where the change will happen, when we all decide to make the changes in our lives, with the Aquarius moon leading the way with this first new moon of 2020. When we feel this connectedness we no longer feel alone, and realise that only together can we change the world.


What Happens In An Ayahuasca Ceremony


Stay Hopeful, Inspired and Positive in 2020!