My 6 top tips to successfully surfing this TAURUS FULL MOON wave:

As the Taurus full moon approaches we are right in the middle of a Mercury Retrograde, and nothing is as it seems. I advise you to remain as impartial and neutral as possible during this time of confusion until Mercury goes forward again on November 20th.

The Taurus full Moon comes as we get deeper into winter, reminding us that it is time to integrate the harvest we have reaped from the seeds we sowed under the spring Taurus new moon.

It gives us an opportunity to reflect on our 2019 journey. Our successes and failures, achievements and defeats, and ensure we are still on the right path towards our goals. This full moon is especially potent as we are in a Mercury Retrograde and things are slowing down to help us integrate the intense changes and challenges 2019 has brought.

Beware the Bull
Over a Taurus full moon people may well be speaking alot of nonsense or trying to convince others by telling them what they want to hear. The more discerning and sceptical you are, the more you will be able to differentiate between the brilliance and the bullshit. Listen to your own intuition that is hightened over this full moon, follow your own guidance and remain true to your values and principles.

See the Beauty Within
In Summer, over the Taurus new moon, it is easy to celebrate the fertile, lush, abundance of nature. In winter we have to turn this celebration of fertility and abundance inwards and see it in our own inner beauty. The Taurus full moon asks us to recognise the beauty of nature by looking within. In social occasions over this moon be self-confident like the bull, and radiate your elegance and charm, reflecting the magnificence of nature knowing you are a part of it.

Getting Practical
The Taurus full moon brings us back to living in a material world by focusing our attention on more practical matters such as our our home, and family. If you have neglected matters at home this is the moon to be inspired to get stuff done. Don't bury your head in the sand any longer. It is time to face the mundane household chores that have been left at the bottom of the priority list. Ruled by Venus we are inspired to make our homes look more beautiful and clear the clutter, both physically and metaphorically.

Avoid Disagreements
In this time of division and separation avoid the Taurean tendency to be stubborn and unyielding in arguments or disagreements - accepting that others may not see life exactly as you do. By trying to make others fit into your beliefs, you may well find yourself in the middle of a storm. We are all trying to make sense of the world in our own ways, and being able to see other points of view will make things much easier over this period.

Look After Yourself
If you have neglected yourself over the last few weeks, use this Taurus full moon energy to look after yourself, especially if you have been feeling poorly, ill or run down. It is vital that you spend more time and energy on making sure your needs are being met and use this moontime to pamper and honour yourself. Eat good food, have a beauty treatment, massage, healing etc, Find fun ways to get exercise, and get out and about in nature. When we stop looking at a computer screen and enjoy the simple pleasures of life we are are much more productive and creative.

Don't Despair
This Taurus full moon is going to give us a boost of self-belief and determination to continue regardless of the obstacles that we are facing. It can also trigger synchronicities, breakthroughs and important connections to help ground our visions more into reality and give us hope. Use the power of this full moon to reignite your hope and faith, however far away your dreams and visions may seem. A dream only dies when we let go of it, and this moon gives us the strength and determination to continue onwards and upwards towards a brighter future.


Intuition v Rationality


Mercury Retrogade: Proceed with Caution